NMSU Resources
Aggie Health and Wellness Center
Asian Pacific Islander Program
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
Disability Access Services and Student Application
Financial Aid and Scholarship Services
General Counsel (575-646-2446; gencounsel@nmsu.edu) in instances of raids or other executive order-related incidents on NMSU campus
Global Campus Student Services
HEST Financial Aid Contacts and Scholarships
NMSU NOW: Covid 19 Pandemic Action Plan
Office of Instututional Equity
Police Department (575-646-3311; police@nmsu.edu)
NMSU Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
Community Resources
Children Thrive Action Network- #2 provides Resourcers for College Students
Colonias NM- under the programs tab, there are ISIF and PAF programs that might be helpful
Immigrant Defense Project-Know Your Rights Flyer
National Immigration Law Center
NM Department of Justice, Guidance on Immigration Enforcement